

Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Decline Of Religion

The fall of religious influence is so great that a grass-roots movement in 2009, the Future for Religious Heritage took shape in 2011 as a network of groups from more than 30 countries, dedicated to finding ways to keep churches, synagogues and other religious buildings open, if not for services, then for other uses. 'Perhaps nowhere is the plight of churches more stark than in the Netherlands, where about 1,000 Catholic churches - about two-thirds of the country - are due to be shut down by 2025, a reorganization forced by a steady drop in attendance, baptisms and weddings. Those were the figures given by Cardinal Willem Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht, in a report delivered to Pope Francis last December.' (New York Times, 2 June) Religion has always been a barrier to socialism so no tears here on learning churches are closing. RD

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