

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Global Warming Problems.

Global warming can create big problems for animals farmed for food, the experts say. Turkeys are vulnerable to heat that makes their breast meat mushy and unappetizing. Disease can spread through a chicken coop and severe weather can wipe out entire herds of cattle. According to Gale Strasbourg, a professor of food and nutrition at Michigan State University, " Within a day or two after a heat wave you will go from no problem at all to forty per cent of turkey breasts having a problem." Ian Miller, ex-principal climate specialist for the World Bank said," The US Department of Agriculture approach to climate change is like trying to promote driver safety while helping the car industry make faster cars." Scientists who are working to create new breeds of animals that can cope with a warmer climate argue that they too are focused on depleting resources. Of course, nowhere do we see a concerted effort to get to the root of the problem – the way we produce the goods needed for society and the ways in which that is done. John Ayers.

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