

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Terrorism Is Big Business

 Terrorism is big business. The Toronto Star of May 10th. reported that Britain spent $5.9 billion on domestic counter terrorism measures in 2010/11 while the US has spent $1 trillion since 9/11. The chances of dying in a terrorist attack in the States is one in six million. The odds of dying from a wasp, hornet, or bee sting is one in 75,000. As usual, capitalism can't get its priorities right.

 The same issue tells us that Japan is in deep trouble as its population declines and is projected to drop to 50 million by the end of the century compared to its high of 128 million (2008) That would be good news in a world that wants to control population increase, but in capitalism it is the death knoll as the economy is shrinking and to be successful, as we all know, you must keep on growing. John Ayers.

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