

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I got no flag. I got no country.

 “The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of the family relation, should be one of uniting all working people of all nations, tongues and kindreds." Abraham Lincoln

So the Yes and No camps have had their big TV spectacular. Salmond and Darling engaged in what was called a debate, exchanging facts and figures, throwing the occasional spanner into the  other’s arguments, and hoping we all fall their respective spin. The Socialist Party members were not taken in by the clever sound-bites and many workers, too, will see through the charade.

No country is yours or mine. The ruling class use nationalism to side-track the aspirations of the workers. Nationalism is by no means struggles a way forward to the liberation of the working class but represents local capitalists wanting a larger slice of the profits from exploitation of local workers - “their” workers. Left nationalists preach class collaboration with proponents of private property, contributing nothing but division and confusion. Independence is an empty vessel which demagogues eager to fill with false and even dangerous content. They ally with the bosses. Their political principles can be summed up as: first independence, everything else after. “Everything else” is class struggle, revolution, and socialism. Those supposed radicals present the fallacious case that political independence would constitute a step which is not only necessary but revolutionary in and of itself. Nationalist demagoguery is still with us, here and elsewhere, to deceive the people.

 How many peoples are now paying a heavy price for having put their faith in the pretensions of their nationalist leaders? In spite of their “independence”, countries are still governed according to the rules of capitalist exploitation. Once the nationalists are victorious, at the first important conflict we see the “national” police clubbing the “national” workers by order of the “national” state whose legality is maintained at all costs by the “national” judges and the “national” industrialists maintain their profit level and the “national” finance companies do a great business.
The nationalists have taught us well. We now all know who is responsible for all the economic troubles and political instability in Scotland. It isn’t capitalism at all but the 1707 Union! Scottish workers, however, understand only to well the different task before them. It is to unite to resist the attacks upon them, regardless of the passport of the employer. The class enemy of Scottish workers is identical with the class enemy of the working class as a whole. The global domination of capital means that a nationally-located socialism is an illusion, and so the only way to overcome this problem is through world revolution.

Since the days of Marx, socialists have challenged the capitalists’ national chauvinism with our own appeals for the international solidarity of the working class. We have opposed the attempts of capitalists to enlist the workers in their nationalist strivings with our own appeals for class struggle of the workers of all countries against world capitalism. History has proven that independence is not the objective interests of the working class. The workers will not win victories in the struggle against capitalism  if it fights in dispersed formation against the same enemy. All it will do is make a “breach” in its own defences.

  It is the slogan “world socialism” which must be raised by revolutionists from the first. This slogan serves not only to distinguish the Marxists from the nationalist fakirs of all shades, but also to express the deep-rooted aspirations of the workers movement. The Socialist Party is fighting for the victory of the working class and for a world society that will see an end to all artificial national boundaries. We are out to develop the international struggle of workers, and to unite workers, not to reinforce mistaken identification with the oppressor. Governments need nationalism to make people obey them. They use nationalism to make people think that they are not just obeying a particular group of men but that they are doing their duty to “the nation”.

The Ref..errr? ..end...ummm?

 The left nationalist case invites Scottish workers to cast aside their historic solidarity with their English and Welsh allies, on the grounds that it is only possible to achieve progress towards socialism in Scotland. Collective action co-ordinated across all nations presents the best prospects of success. Our Left nationalists should stop playing with words. For starters, they should quit pretending that sovereignty would be a step towards working class emancipation and recognise instead that what socialists want is real independence. What we want is freedom from capitalist domination.

Love your little bit of what is called Scotland, your street, your neighbourhood, your town or village, but love the human family, all life, and the planet Earth more. There are no countries (or gods), just the human family and kindred species, sharing the fruits of one living biosphere. From the tiniest creatures to the global ecosystem, we are all part of the same natural evolutionary journey, and we must love all life like kin. It is absolute madness that the human family can't take responsibility for its actions and instead learn to share and live in peace in order to avert a possible and increasingly probable ecological apocalypse. The human family must come together globally or else all is lost. Capitalism is causing increased war, pestilence, poverty and the rise in authoritarianism. We face an unprecedented global emergency as life-giving ecosystems collapse. Either humanity immediately comes together to embrace liberty and socialism or we each face a violent end.

Whatever choice the Scottish people make, the Socialist Party will continue the fight for working class liberation, border or no border. What is the “independence” they yearn for, if it means being trapped within national borders - jail-cells inside the bigger prison of capitalism?

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