

Monday, August 11, 2014

Life Without Running Water.

The Toronto Star's "World Weekly Dispatches" included 'Life Without Running Water". No, this is not a report on a Third World country but Detroit, Michigan. In April, the city set a target of cutting off services to 3,000 customers a week who were more than $150 behind on their bills. In May, the water department sent out 46,000 warnings and cut off service to 4,531, i.e. they exceeded their target! Maybe someone will get a medal, or maybe they will cut off service to 5,000 customers as they get more efficient. The bankrupt city is currently owed $90 million from customers and nearly half the 300,000 accounts are past due. The city is located on the shores of the Great Lakes! Some have been without running water for six weeks and counting. In capitalism, if you do not have enough money, you can't have, even a basic human right such as clean water. John Ayers.

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