

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Poor Scots

Nearly one million Scots cannot afford adequate housing, a new study claims. More than 250,000 people aren't properly fed, according to the Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) project. 800,000 people are too poor to engage in common social activities.

The percentage of households falling below society's minimum standard of living has also increased from 14% to 33% over the last 30 years. 18% of children and adults in Scotland were poor at the end of 2012.

1. Over 400,000 adults go without essential clothing
2. More than 200,000 children live in homes that are damp
3. Nearly one in three people (30%) cannot afford to heat their homes adequately in winter
4. About 350,000 children live in cold homes in winter
5. 50,000 children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home
6. Nearly one in four adults has an income below what they consider is needed to avoid poverty
7. One in every eight (13%) adults in paid work is poor
8.One in five adults has had to borrow in the last year to pay for day-to-day needs.

Prof Nick Bailey, from the University of Glasgow, claimed the study proved Westminster and Scottish government attempts to tackle poverty had failed.

Prof Glen Bramley, from Heriot-Watt University, added: "It is worrying that, in the 21st Century, more than 40% of households who want to use meals on wheels, evening classes, museums, youth clubs, citizens' advice or special transport cannot do so due to unavailability, unaffordability or inadequacy."

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