

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Soap-box to Ballot-box

Science, technology and invention are diverted from their humane purpose to the enslavement of men, women and children. We, the overwhelming majority are wage slaves. Human ingenuity and natural resources are wasted so that the capitalists may rule. Through the perversion of democracy to the ends of plutocracy, workers are robbed of the wealth which they alone produce. No matter who is elected to the driver's seat, capitalism will continue to prove that it cannot fulfill its endless and monotonous promises of a better tomorrow. Economic and social disintegration will grind on, and with it the process of mass disillusionment.

Socialism is not merely a new economic system as some think. It is also the rearrangement of human relationships. The present system of boss and worker is, in effect, a system of slavery. The vast majority of us sell ourselves, and are bought, on a labour market. So long as capitalism lasts, there is no escape for us from the need to sell ourselves. Our capacity to work is all we have to sell, and we must sell it to the capitalists. That's how the capitalists make a profit -- by exploiting the working class. That is, the working class produces all the wealth, from which the capitalist ruling class takes the largest portion, in this process of exploitation, and, in return, gives its slaves a wage.

Under these conditions, economic considerations must always be prior to human values and human values.  The establishment of a meaningful life instead of mankind as an economic thing, depends on just how quickly the majority organises to make the land and the productive tools the common property of society. The technical and human resources necessary to create an affluent society for all, not just the privileged few, are simply waiting to be claimed. If we want to stop the degradation, we must end exploitation. If we want to free ourselves from wage slavery, we must abolish the profit system. If we want to live decent lives of freedom and fulfillment, we must build a socialism

The Socialist Party call upon the people to organise to substitute the present state of disorder with the cooperative commonwealth. We call upon them to unite with us in a mighty effort to gain by all practicable means the political power. The idea of winning over the working class to the abandonment of political action and political propaganda is futile. The Socialist Party raises the banner of revolution and demands the unconditional surrender of the capitalist class.  the material foundation for the new society is already in existence, then its long overdue birth depends upon appearance of the proper motivation. This motivation must be on a mass enough scale that it cannot be 'vetoed" by the ruling class, no matter how desperate to preserve its privileges.

At present, the workers’ movement is divided. Each group pursues its own goal, guided by its own vision, each sure its way is the correct one. There are some who wish to concentrate on immediate issues refusing to resign themselves to suffer while they wait for socialism. Like workers on strike, all those who are being victimized by deprivation, economic and cultural, will struggle to wring from the present every concession they can get. Many people involved in political activity want to know what is  down the road, perhaps not all the way to the end , but a long ways down. They want to know what they are getting into, and what the chances are, and whether there is really anything positive in sight that is worth the commitment and risk. Without setting out a blueprint, the Socialist Party presents a reasonably clear picture of the requirements of a modern cooperative society and offers offers a plan of how we can all bring a socialist society into being.

To accomplish that revolution, we must organise on the political field. We will accomplish nothing but our own suicide by attempts at armed insurrection. Politically, we must use every forum open to us, from the soap-box to the ballot-box, to spread the idea of revolution. We must be conscious of what we are doing and where we're going, conscious to a degree never before seen in a revolution. Isn't it about time we let democracy work for us ? To do that, we have to stop watching and letting the politicians and the corporations do our thinking. Democracy is not a spectator sport. We have to do our own thing to live in the kind of society we desire. We have all the constitutional laws available for our use to change our necessary social institutions to work for we can live in a peaceful and prosperous society. Let's learn how to use them. Let's for once give democracy a chance! We always told what has been done and what will be done, and the voting process is packaged in keeping with the party bosses plans. Fact is, as a majority..., we, the people, don’t need to be screwed. When it comes to having any measure of democracy in any real decision making, we have the  real say in what goes on.yet we never really get things done in our best interests. The point is that we have to take control of our own lives. Our revolution will be the first in history of, by and for the working class, with no elite "Party" leading us by the nose into a bureaucratic "Worker's State" so it can climb on our backs like any ruling class.

The corporation owners, the CEOs and the big investors don't care about people, only their profits. We have nothing in common with those people. They are of another class, not our's. The line supervisor are paid to manage us, but they're in our class, have no doubt about it. They can be fired any day, just like the rest of us. The different levels of income does not mean we are of a different class. That's how we have been divided. But the ones with the millions and billions, who you never see at your places of work, are in a class all by themselves!

Workers cannot sit around with folded arms hoping that if some individuals on the side-lines shout “Down with the capitalist system!” enough times, the system will disappear from the face of this earth. Capitalism calls for a radical cure, a revolutionary surgeon’s scalpel to excise class division, and not a reformist snake-oil potion to soothe the ulcer and retain the body of capitalism

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