

Friday, August 15, 2014

Support socialism and socialists

The Socialist Party is a political party based on Marxism which has taken up the banner of socialist revolution. The world is rich in natural resources and is capable of satisfying the needs of all its people. A handful of capitalists control our planet and make fabulous profits off the toil of working people. All the major means of production - the factories, the mines, communications and transportation – are concentrated in the hands of a few thousand capitalists who employ millions of workers. All misery is created by this small clique of very wealthy individuals so they can continue to line their pockets. Every bit of capitalists’ vast possessions was stolen from the people.  It’s the capitalists that get rich by appropriating the fruits of our labour. In reality, a worker gets paid for only a small part of the value he produced. The rest, the surplus value, goes straight into the boss’s pocket. It is robbery.

The employers get rich, not because they have “taken risks” or “worked harder,” as they would have us believe. The capitalists and their spokesmen endlessly vaunt the merits of a system where “everyone has an equal opportunity,” and “democracy rules.” But the truth is that capitalist democracy is a hoax: a paradise for the rich and powerful, a trap and an illusion for the exploited and the poor.The more they can steal from us and the greater their profits. The idea that everyone can get rich under this system is a lie invented by the rich themselves. Under capitalism, the only way to get rich is to exploit someone else. This is why workers have only one choice: either submit to this wage slavery or fight it! Capitalism is a system based on a handful of parasites who live off the backs of the workers and could not care less about their situation. No matter where we look there are thousands of real restrictions with which the capitalists keep the workers in chains and the government are bound by a thousand ties to the capitalists. The state is used as an economic tool by the wealthy. When they face bankruptcy the state steps in and bails them out.

The state serves to spread capitalist ideas to accept the ruling class and uses a whole series of education and propaganda institutions: the schools, the press radio and television networks, through which it spreads its lies daily. The rich has tried everything over the years to put an end to crises. It has used cuts, wage freezes and all sorts of attacks against working people to transfer the weight of the crisis onto the working class. Different groups of capitalists are engaged in deadly competition, each trying to seize more power and profit and control over the economy. Each party claims it is the most fit to run the country, and criticises the shortcomings of the other. No political party can offer real convincing solutions to the problems facing the country, an ever-smaller number of billionaires whose only goal it to maximize profits. Political parties merely compete to prove who is the most faithful servant of capital, while they throw out a few crumbs to the masses to pick up votes.There can never be class peace between exploiter and exploited, between boss and worker. Pro-capitalist parties stand not only for the exploitation of workers.

Reformists aims to lead the working class into collaboration with the capitalist class. Reformist try to convince workers that the solution lies in collaboration between workers and bosses, in everyone tightening their belts and making sacrifices for the “common good.” But there are no common interests between the working class and the bourgeoisie. All that the working class has won in the past from the capitalists has been the result of hard struggle. The working class strengthens itself through education and democratic debates. To defeat the enemy we need unity. The working class must wage a political struggle independent of all bourgeois parties. We must do more than struggle against one boss after another over particular economic questions. The working class must unite its struggles and aim its attack at all the capitalists.

Only socialism can respond to the just aspirations of the working class. The working class will overthrow the capitalists and build socialism. Capitalism is ripe for socialist revolution. The working class is the largest and the most consistently revolutionary class. The workers produce the riches of society, it is they who most directly experience capitalist exploitation and it is their labour which turns the wheels of industry. Despite the many differences that exist among the workers – between the various types of workers, between employed and unemployed, between men and women, and among the workers of different nationalities – all have the same fundamental interests in overthrowing the capitalist system. By forging the greatest possible unity within its ranks, the proletariat can succeed in its struggle for liberation. For, in the long run, the tiny minority of exploiters cannot stand up before the organised might of the working class. The enemies of the working class are in reality a small isolated minority, and the Socialist Party can rally the vast majority of the population under its banner to the cause of socialist revolution. Only the destruction of capitalism and the establishment of socialism will guarantee the liberation of all people.

One of the greatest dangers to the unity of working people is nationalism. Those who are defenders of capitalism are no allies of the working class. In order for the socialist revolution to triumph the working class must win the struggle against nationalism that weakens the whole workers against its common enemy, the capitalist class. The capitalists use the slogan “national interests” to keep workers down. The ruling class uses nationalism to consolidate its domination over the working people. Separatism and independence is a strategy designed to strengthen the native rich and enable it to develop into masters of a new state. Nationalist leads to the division of the working class and the delay of the victory of socialism.

To end capitalism, there must have a clear plan. It must determine what the nature of the struggle is, who are its main enemies, and who are its friends that can be rallied to its cause. A socialist revolution has had as its objective is to overthrow the capitalist class. Socialism will mean the end of the exploitation of man by man. There will be an end to all exploitation. It will bring freedom to all those oppressed by capital and open up a new period of history. Working people will participate directly in running of society from top to bottom. Workers will administer the vast riches of the planet, its lands, forests, mineral resources, lakes and rivers as well as the means of production, for the common benefit of all. The natural and man-made wealth will be the property of the people and not of individual capitalists. Socialist will be a planned economy so gone will be the anarchy of capitalist production. The resources of society will be distributed according to the needs of the people, not to satisfy a few capitalists’ hunger for profits as is the case today. The enormous waste of capitalism will be abolished. All social inequalities will be abolished; there will be no rich and no poor, and all members of society will contribute to the common good. The differences between workers and farmers, town and country, and manual and intellectual work will disappear. Each individual will develop to his or her full potential.

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