

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Against the Nation

According to David Attenborough: “It seems our planet is being transformed, not by natural events, but by the actions of one species, mankind...In the past we didn’t understand the effects of our actions. Unknowingly, we sowed the wind. Now, literally, we are reaping the whirlwind. But, we no longer have that excuse. Now, we do recognise the consequences of our behavior. Now, surely we must act to reform it, individually and collectively, nationally and internationally, before we doom future generations to catastrophe.”

Capitalism has given humanity certain tremendous attainments, but only its disappearance can allow humanity to enjoy them. Only socialism will be able to lift humanity to the level of the material bases of civilisation. But capitalism survives and all the enormous acquisitions turn more and more against the interests of humanity.

 Socialism seeks to build communities and organisations that encourage solidarity, compassion and altruism; a democratic economy in which social ownership replaces private ownership. The people who work in them and the communities in which they are located should control economic enterprises. We can work together in enterprises and organisations that exist in local communities, but which also connect with like-minded world-wide groups to produce the things we need.

Our planet is one intertwined community with interests that can only be satisfied through mutual respect and cooperation and socialism acts on the principle that an injury to one anywhere and everywhere is an injury to all. Socialists seek to halt the environmental destruction. We can exist in harmony with our environment if we get rid of capitalism and promote respect for nature and understanding the interdependence of all forms of life.

The Socialist Party supports and is in favour of all steps taken to unite the workers into one political and one industrial organisation that transcends all borders. Socialists seek to eliminate borders not create any more. Adding another will not make any of the workers’ social problems magically disappear. We have no interest in building separate nations. Capitalism has had the effect of turning us into a global working class while dividing us by nation and race to compete for crumbs. The time is now that we should begin to act like one working class.

Apart from the occasional squabble over the share of spoils, both Scottish and English capitalists are class-brothers with a common interest - the subjugation and exploitation of the working class, EVERYWHERE. Why should we alienate one part of our own world-wide class by forming a common front, by compromising and making concessions with either faction of the ruling class rather than make common cause against nationalist employers and land-owners, the enemy of socialism. Why help to change a flag and constitution yet leave the auld enemy, capitalism, with its poverty and exploitation intact? Why should socialists assist an elite that are eager to speculate with the sweat and toil of workers on the markets of international capitalism? The struggle against the nationalists goes hand-in-hand with the struggle against capitalist exploitation. They are two sides of the same coin!

Whether we in Scotland are governed by London or Edinburgh we will still have to hire ourselves out as wages slaves. The social problems we face are not caused by the wrong party being in power but by the social and economic system under which we were born and exist. With independence the boss-worker relationship remains. The class struggle exists and will continue to exist as long as the wages system, the foundation stone of capitalism, continues to exist.  A new sovereign Scottish government would soon settle down to its job of administering capitalism in the interests of its masters, the property owning class. Capitalism calls the tune and makes governments dance.

Many people are disgusted with the present society and culture. Unemployment continues to be a major issue and workers are lucky to even have a regular job. The conditions of work and pay are totally left up to the decision of the capitalists. Yet, the working class has been unable so far to transform the hatred of capitalism into action against it.

Through our words and actions we can demonstrate that the realistic alternative to capitalism is an expansion of democracy. In order to build the peaceful, ecologically sane world we desire, our tactics are non-violent.  We can replace capitalism with a system based on social ownership, equal human entitlement and workplace democracy. Building an economic democracy is the key to human survival.

Let’s not like the sheep that is shepherded toward its own slaughter. The facts are clear. The verdict is in. Capitalism need for growth and profit is responsible for our misery. Socialists seek only to take those actions in this very day that would move us one step further along towards our  the desired goal. And what goal is that? Social Revolution. The capitalists’ greatest weapons are our own apathy, our class ignorance and our fear. 

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