

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Socialists for world socialism

As a socialist party our goal is for the working class to establish socialism. The goal is of a world in which the working class organises and controls its own destiny. Socialism cannot be imposed from outside – it can only be made by the working class.

 A separate parliament in Scotland would be a capitalist parliament, still bound hand and foot to the multinationals. It would not provide Scottish workers with any greater control over their own lives. They would remain an integral part of international capitalism. An Edinburgh sovereign parliament will leave the workers in exactly the same position as before. The Scottish people are being urged to reclaim their past radical tradition, and vote for a Scottish independent parliament with full control of economic and foreign policy. Nationalism is being promoted as an alternative reformist platform.

Scottish nationalism is a reaction of a small section of the Scottish capitalist class to what they perceive is the declining fortunes of British capitalism. They seek the subsidies of North Sea oil revenues and a corporate tax structure more suited to their own needs. They entice the Scottish worker with offers of a reformist programme financed by an illusory budget. They present the promise of  panacea to Scots without having to fight capitalism. The argument that the Scottish people will benefit more from North Sea Oil after independence is a fallacy. None of our natural resources will be put to a sensible or beneficial use until the working class itself has gained control over the use of these valuable and non-renewable resources. The SNP advocate industrial harmony and an end to class conflict and promise wealth beyond our wildest dreams. For whom, exactly, it must be asked.

The question of independence threatens relations between English/Welsh and Scottish workers. Scottish workers are placing their trust in the local employing class rather than in unity with workers. United working-class action cannot be easily achieved by emphasising the supposed national differences in consciousness which distinguish some Scottish workers from their English brothers. And certainly it is not aided by combining with sections of the Scottish bosses in campaigns for Scottish nationalism. Scottish workers are led to identify with Scottish businessmen and landowners on the basis of  shared ‘nationality’.  Working class unity enables us to combine our tactics for defending our class with the strategy of liberating our class.

Socialists do not fall into the trap of the potentially ‘progressive’ facade of nationalism. The success of the right-wing Ukrainian and Russian nationalists shows the danger of believing that radical nationalist slogans always lead to radical results. Scottish nationalism does not strengthen the campaign for socialism or creates a united, class-conscious working class, but fragments and weakens it. If England derives significant material benefit from the exploitation of Scotland then how do we explain the low living standards in Newcastle and Liverpool and the concentrate prosperity of some Edinburgh and Aberdeen areas.

 To those who are in the ‘Yes’ camp, we are saying independence will not improve your condition one little bit. Only class struggle can do that. Any success or otherwise of any workers’ movement in Scotland depends on close ties with similar movements in England (and elsewhere) . We are not defending the unity of the United Kingdom in any way. That would be an endorsement for the status quo, something we do not support. We do not argue that the present constitutional arrangement benefits ordinary people. The liberation for Scottish workers can come about only by over-throwing capitalism itself. If this is not done no amount of separatism can ever succeed in bringing freedom, only diversion. Instead of tragically wasting their time fostering nationalism workers should be struggling for a socialist society. Social problems can only be removed by a conscious, majority desire to change the basis of society. Reformism and nationalism has not brought us any closer to resolving the fundamental contradictions of capitalist society. The socialist movement has a function which is practical, political and educational. The Socialist Party enters the political field in order to expose and oppose every party whose policy works against the interests of the working class.

“If they [the protectionists] speak consciously and openly to the working class, then they summarise their philanthropy in the following words: It is better to be exploited by one’s fellow-countrymen than by foreigners.” Marx, 1847

The above was shortened to form the editorial of September's  Socialist Standard

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