

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Another Political Blunder

No doubt the politicians concerned thought it was a good vote-catching dodge, but it turned out to be just another blunder. 'T-shirts proudly worn by Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Harriet Harman are made in sweatshop conditions by migrant women paid just 62p an hour, a Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed. The women machinists on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius sleep 16 to a room and earn much less than the average wage on the island. The T-shirts carry the defiant slogan "This is what a feminist looks like. But one of the thousands of machinists declared: "We do not see ourselves as feminists. We see ourselves as trapped". (Daily Mail, 1 November) Capitalism often  exposes politicians lack of understanding of how it operates and this was a particular howler. RD

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