

Sunday, November 09, 2014

The Killer Society

Socialists cannot foretell the future, but we do know that inside a socialist society that one of the priorities would be to feed the hungry throughout the globe, not as at present to build more and more devastating ways of destroying life. Here is one of capitalism's priorities. British defence and engineering companies including BAE Systems and   Rolls-Royce have been given a boost after the Ministry of Defence struck a  deal to order the first production batch of F-35 fighter-bombers. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the MoD had reached an agreement in principle to buy four F-35 Lightning II stealth aircraft. 'About 15pc of each aircraft is manufactured in Britain and BAE is the only tier one partner in the F-35 programme, which is headed by Lockheed Martin  and is the biggest-ever defence project. The US company expects the estimated 3,000-aircraft programme to cost a total of $1.01 trillion (£620bn) over its 55-year lifespan when development and support costs are included.' (Daily Telegraph, 28 October) Over a trillion of dollars spent on destruction and nothing for the world's hungry - that is capitalism for you. RD

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