

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Work Longer, Risk Dismissal

Whenever a major fire breaks out and firemen get injured or killed politicians are effusive in their praise, but when it comes to conditions, pay and pensions they reflect their real feelings. At present the firefighters across England are in dispute with their employers over pensions and what is the government's response? Fire Minister Penny Mordaunt said fire and rescue authorities have "robust" plans in place for the proposed strikes. 'Union officials say that under the government's proposals firefighters will have to work until they are 60 instead of 55, pay more into their pensions and get less in retirement. The proposals will leave firefighters at risk of dismissal as their fitness declines into their 50s, the FBU said.' (BBC News, 1 November) No mention of gallantry or firefighters devotion to duty when it comes to pay or pensions from the usually verbose politicians during an industrial dispute. RD

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