

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Make Socialism Our Future

 Every human transaction is tainted by the influence of money. We are shackled to it, deprived of our liberty. Money and barter were required in times of scarcity. Today we live in abundance. There is enough for all to thrive. Totally sustainably. We now have the knowledge and technology to provide easily for all human need. Without war, poverty or exploitation. There is no shortage of land, food, building materials or the capacity to produce the things we need. Most things can be unlimited, there is plenty for all, for the benefit of all. (But some things may be rationed, like some rare metals perhaps, so that they can be used in science or healthcare.) The technical advancement has been incredible, and logically should be helping us to lead less stressful lives and lessen global inequality. Ironically, the opposite has happened and global inequality continues to rise more and more people are suffering from stress. When technical advancement is applied to the work place, the worker is made unemployed, economically and socially punished through a severe drop of income. When capitalism takes one of its regular down turn, the corporate media blames the world’s woes on the least powerful of society, the unemployed, refugees and economic migrants, all of which are victims of the capitalist system and not controllers of it. Pollution which now kills another 6 million people on the planet every year (and the numbers are rising) is also a problem, yet any attempts to reduce emissions are bad for business and profits so are not implemented.

Most people are kind, caring and responsible and wish to contribute. We all want a good society don't we? As understanding grows, people from wider and more diverse groups are realizing that common ownership is the answer. Once a majority of the population understand and want socialism the change can take place. It can happen just as soon as enough people desire and work for it. The Socialist Party is a political party to promote the values and benefits of a global, stateless, moneyless society, embracing the values of human freedom, social equality and sustainability, a worldwide production and distribution network, that allows all people free access to sustainable housing, shelter, food, healthcare, education, communication and transportation.

It isn't human nature to be greedy. Most people are perfectly content once they have enough. Enough is easy to sustainably produce today but the 'infinite growth' that the money system needs ensures we are being continuously bombarded with marketing trying to convince us we need more to make us happy. After money there won't be advertising or marketing. Nor is there any need to possess everything you want. When humans have a decent standard of living, they behave very differently. Currently we are perpetually starved of our humanity by falsely induced poverty and subtly marketed brainwashing. People can share from a pool of resources such as car-sharing.

 Nor are people lazy and require the incentive of money do anything. The vast majority want to help each other and take care of their communities. At the moment, they simply can't afford to. Once all our needs are provided freely and easily, as they can be now, we will be free to do what our conscience tells us. If a job is worth doing for society then society will see that it gets done. Like volunteer firefighters or the RNLI today. There will be fewer really unpleasant dirty jobs left anyway. Humans have already invented systems and machines to do them much more easily, if not eliminate them altogether. It has been estimated that it will require an average of 16 hours per week, per person to contribute their time, their skills in order to allow the system to operate efficiently. When almost everyone enjoying leisure time people will offer their services because there will be social status and admiration from their peers for those who contribute the most. When people aren't treated like slaves and are secure and contented, they will volunteer their time to do what's important. Under capitalism, we look up to those who take. In socialism we will look up to those who have given.

The psychopaths and corrupt people who currently control us through money, without the bribing power of money can ever force people to things they otherwise wouldn't. When everything is voluntary, just like in any voluntary organization today, the members vote democratically for whoever they think would be best for the job.  The Socialist Party doesn't pretend to be able to deliver what you won’t do for yourselves and will only pledge to act in the best interest of the people within the limits of our ability. People have had enough of broken promises and lies from politicians. The Socialist Party strongly opposes the manipulation of people against their will. People are social beings and express and realise their potential within a free and open community which they can trust and relate too. The core tenets of our party are free access to goods and services, and open access to all the decision making processes.  

People will achieve the social revolution. Each day brings fresh evidence of the anomalies of capitalism: each day opens some worker's eyes. As the wheel of capitalism with its ever increasing slumps and wars accelerates, so their realisation grows. One day it will reach its crescendo and the revolution will take place.

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