

Saturday, January 17, 2015

More Platitudes

In a new book edited by the Archbishop of York, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for an end to "income inequality" in the UK, warning that some people and communities are being left behind. 'In his essay collection, called On Rock or Sand? Firm Foundations for Britain's Future, the Most Rev John Sentamu says the country is facing "a new poverty". Dr Sentamu writes: "The poor in this 'age of austerity' experience what I call a 'new poverty', where many of the 'new poor' are in work. "Once upon a time, you couldn't really be living in poverty if you had regular wages. You could find yourself on a low income, but not living in poverty. That is no longer so." (BBC News, 15 January) Men of the cloth are forever uttering platitudes about poverty but of course they all support the system that produces poverty. RD

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