

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Winners Will Become Losers And Vice Versa.

Capitalism is defined by competition and there will always be winners and losers in any transaction that takes place between two parties. The drop in oil prices is a case in point. Firstly, the price has dropped mainly because too much oil has come on stream, largely because the Americans have started exporting shale oil. The Americans did not stop to consider this possibility and could not care a damn about it anyway. They would become self- sufficient and gain valuable export dollars anyway. The Saudis refused to cut back on production believing that the cost of producing shale oil would deter its continued and growing production. In Canada, the oil producing provinces such as Alberta and Newfoundland are feeling the economic pinch, but Ontario comes out a winner. Oil for transportation and industry will be cheaper and the resulting lower dollar is good for exporters. Not too far in the future the tide will turn and winners will become losers and vice versa. Makes a lot of sense, right? John Ayers.

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