

Monday, March 09, 2015

Inviting The P.M. To Show Support?

Our local country paper out in the sticks here reported on hospital CEO's Salaries. The CEO of Toronto Sunnybrook receives $750 000 per year including bonuses like, health club membership, parking, transit passes, and car allowances up to $1 500 per month. Meanwhile the average Joe, earning some $40 000 has to pay his own way for everything. Makes sense?
Of course, as we all know, don't expect capitalism to be fair or just. That's the big mistake of the Left Wing. The locking out of the workers at the Caterpillar plant in London, Ont. shows that. The workers held a rally on January 22nd. Prime Minister Harper was invited to show his support for the workers but was a no show. London mayor, Tom Fontana said, "We need you down here to support the workers. Get your ass down here!" (Toronto Star, Jan 22, 2012) Nice sentiment but it's going to take more than that. Caterpillar just reported record profits. John Ayers.

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