

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Machines Continue To Take Over Jobs

The business section of the Toronto Star of May 9 had the lurid headline, "Canada loses 19,700 jobs in April." Further down the page we saw "Rise of the Retail Machines." The thrust of the article being that buying from deluxe vending machines is how people will shop in the future. Such products as cufflinks, health and beauty products, dresses, books, and much more are already stocked in the machines. Soon grocery stores could sell cooked chicken, meatballs, sandwiches and salads from machines. In other words, like the first headline, more unemployment for workers. Perhaps soon those who like to shop in a store will have two choices – on line or at the machine. Machines taking over jobs has been going on since the beginning of the industrial revolution and always at the expense of workers somewhere. It's time to put an end to insecurity of gaining a living! John Ayers.

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