

Saturday, June 13, 2015

No Answer In Capitalism

In late March and early April plenty of press coverage was devoted to The Canadian Bar Association's opposition to the proposed Federal bill C-51 that they felt would curtail civil liberties. The group represents 36,000 lawyers and paralegals, and they argue that the law, that would transform the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) into an agency that would disrupt terrorist plots, would also disrupt legitimate activity including environmental and aboriginal protests and intimidate democratic expression. They fear that CSIS would search private citizens' computers and mobile devices without warrants. This has already happened in the US where, under the guise of fighting terrorism, many private individuals have had their civic freedoms trampled on. Once again, there is no answer in capitalism to this on going problem, but a society without terrorism and governments as we know them, with a democratic administration of society wouldn't have such a situation. John Ayers.

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