

Monday, November 30, 2015

Live Long and Prosper

Capitalism must be abolished. Working people need to throw the capitalist parties out of office and fundamentally transform society. The entire apparatus of government, set up to defend the interests of the capitalist class, must be replaced. The needs of working people can only be met by creating an economy, where ownership and control of means of production and distribution are taken from the tiny minority of capitalists and placed in the hands of the working people, to be run democratically. Reorganised on a socialist basis, our world can be free of racism, sexism, poverty, economic insecurity and exploitation. When the vast resources available to us are used to serve the needs of all instead of the profits of the few, a world socialist commonwealth, then the way will be opened for unparalleled growth in culture, freedom and the development of every individual. Such a society is worth organizing for. Socialists often hear the comment that "Socialism is a good idea but it’s not practical." But today it’s becoming more apparent than ever that it is the present system — capitalism — that is impractical and unworkable. The quality of life is deteriorating. While people suffer from poisoned air, polluting companies continue to rake in millions in profits. Small reforms and half-measures will not change the condition of working people.

The Socialist Party wants to change society but we think that problems will not disappear by wishing or hoping them away. The only way we can get a rational society, based on the needs of the majority, is by organising for it. The Socialist Party are part of the international World Socialist Movement, fighting to replace this society with a socialist one, where production and resources are controlled by the majority to serve our human needs and where every individual will have the opportunity to develop his or her potential to the fullest extent. Workers in all countries need to stand together against the worldwide system of oppression and exploitation that is capitalism. Socialism in Britain can only develop in a socialist world as part of a global re-structuring of the planet and its resources.

We know that a better world is not only possible, but absolutely necessary. We take every opportunity to present our case for change to convince people of the need to do away with the repressive, unjust capitalist system, and replace it with socialism. The capitalist system is run for the profits of the few, not the needs of the majority. Workers are thus continually forced to fight to defend their interests. Through these struggles, they will come to increasingly see the need for socialism, to replace capitalism. The Socialist Party actively advocate and promote our aims 365 days a year. We are, in principle, in favour of fusing electoral activity with extra-parliamentary action and what takes prominence will be a tactical question. Those on the Left have no answer except “Vote Labour ... without illusions”. And that is no answer at all.

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