

Friday, November 13, 2015

Our Enemy is Capitalism

Capitalism remains the enemy of humanity, it cannot be reformed and the only solution is to build a new social system. Socialism cannot be anything but global. All attempts to make socialism national have failed, because the economy is global and there cannot be a socio-economic solution of the problems within the narrow borders of a country. In this era of nationalist movements who believe that everything can be solved in the own country, the Socialist Party says there is only solution at the global economy level which is socialism. It is not possible to build socialism city by city or government department by government department. The revolutionary heart of the socialist critique lies in the refusal to accept that what is will always be. Marx showed that change was inherent in the very fabric of society. Leftists are well known for putting the world to rights while downing a pint. The Socialist Party does not believe that the world is on the verge of revolution but it does not mean that we consider revolution as a far off dream. The present inactivity of our fellow workers cannot change the facts which Marx exposed, namely the contradictions inherent in capitalism’s very existence: A handful of capitalists still get rich at the expense of the rest of us – those who work for wages who bear the misery of unemployment caused by capitalism’s constant search for profits. So we are not misled by surface appearances - the nature of the system has not changed. The possibilities for change is ever-present. There is massive cynicism and distrust of the system, its inability to provide basic services, its determination to charge us for the necessities of life and to impose unaccountable bureaucracies to rule our lives. The problem is, what course of action can offer a solution? Things never stay the same: opportunities will arise to assert the working class’ interests – peacefully if possible, by force if necessary. There is no socialism but democratic socialism.

We live in a world dominated by capitalism, a system which allows a small minority of capitalists to oppress and exploit the great majority of humankind. It is capitalism that brings about great inequalities in living standards with more poor people now in the world than ever before, starts murderous wars to steal the resources of less developed countries and causes the growing devastation of our natural environment. Either we get rid of this outmoded and increasingly decrepit system or it will devastate humanity. The hour is late and urgent action is necessary. The only viable way forward is to achieve socialism, a classless and stateless society on a world scale where people do not oppress and exploit each other and where we live in harmony with our natural environment. To create such a world it is necessary to overthrow the rule of capitalism and this can be done only through a social revolution.  The working class must depose the capitalist ruling class and establish socialism, a system of real, popular democracy. People know that capitalism is no good but few can see a way forward to a better type of society. To achieve this aim we are spreading knowledge of the revolutionary outlook of socialism. It is through political action that we reach out to people with our revolutionary message.  Socialism and the classless society is just as necessary as ever and just as vital an idea as ever. And it is still necessary to organize into political parties to wage the struggle for socialism. Ours is a revolutionary party. It isn’t just trying to improve capitalism. It aims to organise the workers so that they can collectively transform society.

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