

Thursday, November 12, 2015

There Is Only One Enemy

Posters calling for the formation of a white students' union at the University of Toronto have been removed after student union reps called them "triggering". The poster featured the pictures of two blond white guys staring into the sky flanked by the CN Tower. They directed people to a web site supporting students for a western civilization. A post on the site calls multiculturalism an undemocratically imposed immigration culture policy that is rapidly reducing white people to minorities, and calls for a students' union that promotes white people's interests. This is just another incident of racism and emphasizes to all who can see clearly that a society based on private property interests will always turn people against each other until they realize they only have one enemy – the economic system that creates racism and other divisions. How else can the one per cent rule the ninety-nine per cent? John Ayers.

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