

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Capitalism Charged and Found Guilty

All wealth comes from labour. Labour receives a ration back for subsistence and the rest goes to the parasite capitalist class, who only bring capital (stolen wealth, dead labour) to the table, when it is deemed profitable to exploit the worker again and so the cycle continues. Capitalism can't be reformed to work in any other way and must be replaced by the post- capitalist society.  Socialists don't expect any political party to do it for them, but rather the task of bringing in socialism, i.e. a free access society without buying and selling, wage slavery and with production for use, is the mission of the workers themselves.

It will be for us to take ownership and control of the wealth of the world into our own hands. We could, together, use the wealth of the world to meet our mutual needs and grant the true independence of being able to control our work and our lives in free and voluntary association of equals. As this is the emancipation of labour from the fetters of wage slavery with production for use, production doesn't stop until needs are met, as profit is not a consideration and with free access to the social product, there is no further need for any means of exchange and money, (a part of the market system) ceases to be needed. With common ownership of all the means and instruments of producing and distributing wealth we see the end of vested interests and elite classes competing and warring over them. A true class less society is the result.

All capitalist politicians are fakirs, selling panaceas until the next crisis to keep the wage slaves supporting their rule 'over' the workers. It doesn't matter if they are allegedly labour, with friendly pro-worker sound-bites or avowedly conservative in nice or nasty party mode. Capitalism cannot be reformed, exploitation takes place at the point of production of workers rationed by wages to access of the social product, so it is no good blaming the politicians for pretending it can be. Capitalism is about the immense production of commodities. Workers themselves are turned into sellers of commodities, via their labour power.

This drives profit. The whole reason for capitalism. Advanced economies have to continue to create new goods, whether useful or not, it doesn't matter if they are consumed or end up in landfills, in order to accumulate even more wealth in the hands of the 5% parasite class.

Capitalism has to be replaced by a free access production for use. Any reforms which threaten the status quo will be destroyed or reincorporated into the main infrastructure in profit-friendly relational functions. Exploitation in capitalism is at the point of production where wage slavery exists. It is from human labour applied to natural resources that all wealth proceeds. It is human labour which adds value to this natural wealth, as it is transformed into commodities for sale on the market.

You have to end the capitalist market system and establish free access and abolish waged slavery, so we can have production for use within a sane allocation of resources, which ends the overproduction for sale, in the pursuit of profits in booms and the slump/glut switching off of production, before needs are met, in the interest of profit, necessitating the creating of new commodities, in pursuit of profit, to take up the slack of lost production and profit earning capacities in the global capitalist economy.

Capitalist market and banking and money systems, is anarchy, wasteful and unnecessary. The working class are the source of all wealth. The money system is a part of the market system. This can’t be reformed and has to be replaced with a post-capitalist commonly owned free access social system without buying and selling, where production is for use for the satisfaction of the human needs of a single human species in harmony with nature and the planet's shared resources, rather than for the rationed sale on a market for the enrichment of a few percent of a global parasite class. The market leads to intense economic, political and global competition, war, squandering of resources, misuse of technology to destroy oppositional resources, a conflict of human interests for the pursuit of elitist gain, with wealth being produced in conditions of waged slavery for the majority, essentially to keep the slave presenting themselves for further exploitation, on pain of poverty, actual or relative, to satisfy the need for accumulation of profit for the few. Absolutely insane use of resources. The full charge sheet against the world exchange economy with regard to the way it forces people to use the world's resources can now be drawn up. It reads:
(1) That, although there has been a long-term expansion of productive capacity and oil output, this has been only a fraction as fast and as extensive and as safe as technology has made possible.
(2) That, although in the long run the existing capacity has been more or less fully used, this has been broken by regular periods of under-use.
(3) That, in agriculture and in industries faced with declining markets, there has been deliberate destruction of productive capacity and regular destruction of wealth.
(4) That millions and millions of human beings who could have contributed to producing useful things have been prevented from working at all.
(5) That millions and millions more human beings have been allowed to work but only to engage in wasteful exchange and coercive activities.
(6) That the existing productive capacity has been used to produce considerable amounts of waste.
These are all serious charges and all of them are proved. They point to the need for the world's people to recover control over the productive system by abolishing the exchange economy altogether and replace it by a society that will allow them to plan the production of wealth in their own interests and to allocate the products for their own individual and collective use. Expecting capitalism to reform is the equivalent of a death wish. It is an impossible dream whereas socialism/communism post capitalism, where the world’s workers, 95% who not only produce all wealth, but run the system of wage slavery from top to bottom in the service of the exploiting class, are more than capable of running a self-regulating sane system of common ownership with equal free access afforded to all without elites.

We need a revolution in peoples thinking to end this waste. It is then a simple case of a majority taking into common ownership, (not state ownership, or private or corporate ownership) all the means and instruments for creating and distributing wealth by and in the interests of the whole human family. At a stroke, without the parasitical elites, all the competition which drives war and wasteful use of technology will be ended and we can make common cause with our human family and the eco husbandry of the planet's resources will be the normative state of affairs. That is the function of capitalist politicians, to get our assent to be 'governed' over in the interests of business. Experience should have shown us this, a long time ago and capitalism and its anarchic market system and waged slavery continues from boom to slump to boom again. We have some responsibility for wanting to believe impossible things, that governments can make any difference to the boom, slump or market cycle.

We are not presenting the socialist alternative of a world without wages as a utopian dream for the century after next. This is practical now. Socialism is the sensible next step for humankind to take. We have nothing to lose but our chains. You and others are responsible for the established order. You and others can withdraw support from politicians of capitalism left, right, centre. You along with the vast majority can govern yourselves without any elites. You can do away with the production of commodities including yourself as a commodity (labour-power) for sale on the market. Politicians of all hues and colours have a conceited delusion that they can adjust capitalism and fine tune it to deliver outcomes beneficial for most of society. You should stop expecting governments to level up the playing fields in society (impossible). Reforming capitalism (impossible). Managing the economy (impossible). Capitalism thrives on inequality of access, to keep the real wealth producers (the working class), working to produce surplus value, for the parasite class of capitalist, who do not need to work as they can pay to have their interests managed for them, with the best money can buy, legal systems ,governments and anything else to protect their dominant interests. Around 5% of the world’s population live a life of ease and luxury on the backs of the rest of us. Capitalism can't be reformed and must be replaced.

It is up to us workers worldwide to withdraw our assent to be governed 'over' in the interests, of a tiny minority parasite class 5% and withdraw our acceptance of waged slavery to establish a sane post -capitalist social system. The consent of the majority which the minority needs to keep its system going. We must unite to change society. You and others the 95% can stop crawling on your hands and knees to capitalism and refuse their crumbs in return for the common ownership of the planet. It is well past time for the workers of the world to grow up and stand on their own two feet. It is long past time the working class said a plague on all capitalist politicians. Away with those lick-spittle, two-faced, slave-driver representatives of the rapacious, blood-soaked capitalist system, despoilers of the planet, impoverishers of the many.
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number—
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—
Ye are many—they are few.


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