

Monday, January 25, 2016

For a new society

An Oxfam survey found that 79% of respondents favour wealth being distributed more equally than it currently is in Scotland. They want better equality in income and assets and believe politicians should be doing more to address inequality, the charity said. 63% said politicians should do more to address economic inequality, with only 22% saying they are already doing all they reasonably can.

Jamie Livingstone, head of Oxfam Scotland, said: "At a time when nearly one in five people in Scotland live in poverty, it is encouraging to see such support for more action to reduce economic inequality in Scotland. We agree, because we are increasingly aware of the barrier extreme inequality creates to tackling poverty.”

The aspiration to have a nation which many earnestly believe in, is in reality a desire to have a society which is yours — which you can feel a part of because it belongs to you. Workers are right to want a society which we can call our own: a planet which belongs to humanity and local areas which we can take pride in as people who are no longer the tenants in a capitalist-owned world. To the Scots who are driven by national independence the Socialist Party appeals with all of the same passion which the Scottish nationalists use, in their address to the working class: Come, let us unite as a class which has everything in common, everything to gain, a variety of cultures to develop — let us, indeed, have the world for the workers.

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