

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Paid to stay in Glasgow

The arts body Creative Scotland has given an artist £15,000 to spend a year without leaving Glasgow. Ellie Harrison's project is called the Glasgow Effect - a term relating to poor health in parts of the city. Ellie’s project is based on the premise that if society wishes to achieve global change, then individuals have to be more active within their communities at a local level. In restricting herself to staying within the city boundaries she is keen to explore what impact this will have her on her life and on her work as an artist with national and international commitments.

The 36-year-old, who will take a leave of absence from her job as a lecturer in contemporary art practices at Duncan of Jordanstone College in Dundee, said the experiment would enable her “to cut her carbon footprint and increase her sense of belonging, by encouraging her to seek out and create local opportunities.”

Many, many people haven't left the city in the past year as a result of financial pressures.

 Local resident, Laura Walsh, pointed out that being forced to stay in the city permanently was simply a fact of life for many people. “I haven't left Glasgow in nearly four years, living on benefits and raising a child at the same time can do that to you. There have even been times I couldn't even afford the bus to travel to the next town,”

 Some can't afford the fare to the city-centre. 

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