

Friday, February 19, 2016

Chin Rōdō to Shōhin Seisan no Haishi

Trans: Abolition of Wage Labour and Commodity Production

The purpose of the Socialist Party is to create a better world than this one. Our goal is a totally new economic system that represents the interests of the majority and we say this change should happen now and not in some far-off distant undetermined future time. Putting an end to the great class divide and its conflicts is at the core for a better world. The current economic system where political leaders only listen to and heed the 1% instead of to the majority is a disaster and is failing the people and planet. Socialism put the interests of the people first on a scale never seen before. It can only happen by a people-powered movement that who shares a commitment to the common good. The Socialist Party chooses to imagine a better world than this and we believe the time has come to fight for it together. Our challenge is to persuade people to eliminate the institutions of capitalism which are a bane upon equality and justice. If we don’t, our grandchildren will inherit a world where there is greater divisiveness and destruction than what we are now witnessing. We seek a true world community.

Capitalism is a competitive hierarchy to dominate and suppress. Capitalism must have an ever  expanding economy, even if it overwhelms nature. Capitalism is powered by competition, which grows the economy until it consumes all without satisfying anyone's natural needs. The more we disconnect ourselves from people and nature the more miserable and endangered life becomes. Capitalism is malignant cancer on nature. It kills its host.

Interests are basically common. Peoples can't lose as they're part of the common. The more we cooperate the more we know and understand social interactions and our role in nature. A cooperative-based socialist system is organised to maximise well-being for all people and nature and functions within the planet ability to supply people's needs. Capitalism’s growth compulsion has damaged the ability of the planet’s and its life to maintain itself. This is well beyond government controlled by capitalism to save anyone from its demise. Socialism unleashes the human potential for creative co-operation, and shares resources and surpluses for the good of all. Evidence for the possibilities of world socialism comes from the findings of evolutionary biology, developmental psychology, anthropology and archaeology. People with vision within the Socialist Party seek a humane, grassroots democracy path towards this co-operative commonwealth. Let us all help to speed the day when this wonderful earth and its rich resources are held in common for the benefit of all humanity. The present world economic system is obsolete and long past its sell by date, let’s dump this dog-eat-dog rat-race into the trash bin of history.

Socialism may well not be perfect, idyllic, noble, or wonderful, but it will work well enough. What anthropologists have determined is that people far from being noble and wise are capable of being mean, unkind, short-sighted, selfish, insensitive, stubborn, and short-tempered. A life in socialism won’t turn people into saints. But what it does is enable ordinary people to make a living together with a minimum of stress year after year, generation after generation, not suffocated by a tyrannical State, where tradition does not dictate every action of the individual, where people feel free to express their individuality without the need to conform. An egalitarian tribe, where merit and esteem matters, not rigid hierarchy or nepotism. The only politics that will matter is how the human race uses and protects its lands and waters for the betterment of our own societies, our future children, and our fellow plant and animal species, embodying the ideal of direct, grassroots participatory democracy. A sharing society would go a long way towards healing the open wounds of our divided world and the ethnic and sectarian tensions plaguing most nations. Rather than keeping food, housing, material and intellectual property under lock and key, a world of abundance would allow unparalleled access to health, education, and appropriate technology.

As mass movements rally for social justice and direct democracy, the idea of world socialism can be will the spark for change and ignite the struggle for liberation from suicidal capitalism to the respect for universal human rights that dissolves people’s delusions that we must all be insular in our way of life. 

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