

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Common Sense Idea

Just as in the Arctic, the sharks are circling Antarctica. It's not just for scientists now. Although there is a treaty banning mining on Antarctica, a continent larger than Europe, many nations are getting ready by establishing bases. Russia has built an Orthodox Church there (maybe recruiting penguins for the pews!) and has blocked efforts to create one of the world's largest ocean sanctuaries. India, Turkey, China and Iran have all built or will build bases there and it's not for the sunshine. The sub heading to the title of the article in The New York Times says it all, "Nations Compete on a Continent rich in Oil, Gas, and Minerals." Since the days of the great explorations in the sixteenth century, competing nations have carved up the earth for their capitalists to benefit from the riches available and been ready to go to war for it. It's more than past due to put into reality the common sense idea that the world's resources belong to everyone on Earth. John Ayers.

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