

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The truth about Trump

In this race for the White House, Trump, the billionaire, is the candidate who reminds us that money has the magical power of turning things into their opposites. 
“Gold! Yellow, glittering, precious gold”, can, as Shakespeare said, “make black, white; foul, fair; wrong, right; base, noble; old, young; coward, valiant.” 
The person without artistic taste can buy and hang pictures in his mansion, or put them in a safety vault, while the creator and the genuine appreciator cannot view or enjoy them. 
The meanest scoundrel can purchase admiration from sycophants while worthy individuals go scorned and unnoticed. 

Under capitalism, where everything enters the field of exchange and becomes the object of buying and selling, a man’s worth comes to be estimated, not by his really praiseworthy abilities or actions, but by his bank account. A man is “worth” what he owns and a millionaire is “worth” incomparably more than a pauper.

 Isn’t this the message we receive from the Trump campaign as he tries to buy the presidency? 

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