

Thursday, March 17, 2016

You Can Never Be Secure

If you think things could not get worse, economically, just reflect on these three cheering captions from the Toronto Star of December 30 - "Dupont will cut 1,700 jobs in its home state of Delaware and thousands more globally as it prepares for its merger with Dow Chemical", "If the trans-Pacific Partnership is ratified in 2016 it could lead to the loss of 20,000 jobs in Canada",. Those who think they have a secure job aren't getting off lightly, either. The University of Guelph's food institute said that with rising food costs and the sinking loonie, the average household in Canada will see an increase of $345 on their grocery expenditure in 2016. So, Crappy New Year, everybody. 
There is no such thing as security for the worker in capitalism where profit trumps people every time.
 John Ayers.

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