

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Let’s Change

Have we learned nothing from history? Has all the sacrifice and suffering for a better world been for nothing? We precariously perched on the edge of an abyss. The time has come when big changes are necessary. The profits of the capitalists and corporations are higher than they have ever been. The sham measures of government regulation have only increased exploitation and put still heavier burdens upon the workers. The boss class has done exceptionally well and, indeed, they have never been better off. Only by the establishment of Socialism can the World’s problems be finally solved and its people guaranteed a good life, lasting peace and decent living standards. Socialism means an end to capitalist profit and exploitation, for it will deprive the capitalists of their ownership and control of the factories and offices, mills and mines, farms and landed estates, transport, and ensure that production is organised for the use of the people and not for the profit of the tiny minority of property owners.  Because it abolishes the capitalist profit system socialism means an end to slumps and unemployment. Socialism means peace and an end to the danger of wars because under Socialism there are no longer capitalists who want to conquer new markets and capture raw materials and resources. Socialism ends all the restrictive policies of capitalism, ending the gulf between poverty and plenty, and frees the creative energies of the people and the productive resources of the world for gigantic economic, social and cultural advances on the basis of a planned socialist economy to create abundance for all to share in. Socialism means freedom for the people—freedom from poverty and insecurity, freedom for men, women and children to develop their capacities to the full, without fear or favour. The people cannot advance to socialism without real political power, which must be taken from the hands of the capitalist minority and democratically grasped by the majority of the people. The power of working people, united and who recognise the need for social change and participation in carrying it through, is capable of building socialism through an elected Parliament, creating the conditions for the establishment of socialism.

We are living in a society which is geared not to serving human needs but to producing goods, or rather commodities, to be sold on a market with a view to profit. In these circumstances food, and indeed everything else, can only be obtained in exchange for money. All social systems erect a moral, legal and intellectual superstructure suited to the interests of the ruling class. But at the same time, a social system develops a conflict between its mode of production and its social relationships, which can be resolved only through changing those relationships. Day by day, the experience of capitalism works to convince the world's workers that problems such as war and poverty will be eliminated only through a radical, fundamental change in society — by revolution.

Is the plight of humanity inevitable? No. Supposed eternal “truths” can be exposed and revealed for what they are, ideological justifications for the status quo. One attribute socialists possess in abundance and that is tenacity. We have the will, the determination and the power to overcome. Let us use our intellectual gift of problem-solving. When the socialist idea is sufficiently widespread the working class will need a political apparatus to implement their will for a revolution. That apparatus will be a world socialist movement which, when socialism is established and its historic function has been fulfilled, will go out of existence. Until that happens, socialists everywhere work to speed the change in ideas, to increase the pressures of persuasion on the workers that a class-free, money-free, poverty-free, peaceful society is the only way to eradicate all that is feared and hated and despised in modern — that is capitalist — society.

 The Socialist Party is not yet the mass socialist party that is needed to transform society. The Socialist Party are in no way trying to lead or cajole the world's people to socialism. We endeavor to raise political awareness, to alert the workers to the need to replace capitalism with socialism and to the fact that socialism must come about through our own conscious action. In the socialist revolution, and the society which will follow, the world's workers will be sisters and brothers together in a co-operative, abundant, peaceful and free human family. Will you help us grow? Let’s change.

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