

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Neither God nor Master

Banish gods from the sky and capitalists from the earth

More than half of people in Scotland now have no religion, according to findings from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey.

52% of people say they are not religious, compared with 40% in 1999 when the survey began.

The proportion who say they belong to the Church of Scotland has fallen from 35% in 1999 to just 20%. Other religious groups, including Roman Catholic (15%) and other Christian (11%) have remained steady. The number of non-Christians has remained at 2%.

Two-thirds of people living in Scotland who say they are religious "never or practically never" attend services.  Ian Montagu, researcher at ScotCen, said:"Today's findings show that Scottish commitment to religion, both in terms of our willingness to say we belong to a religion and to attend religious services, is in decline. As fewer Scots are acknowledging even a default religious identity, it is affiliation with the national church that is the hardest hit." 

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