

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The worst in socialism will be better than the best in capitalism

Our mission is to inform, to inspire and to agitate for change for the common good. The mission of the Socialist Party is so to organize the creation of wealth so that can be so abundantly produced as to free mankind from want and the fear of want, from the  necessity of a life of drudgery and toil. The World is ready for socialism. The Socialist Party is the political expression of what is known as “the class struggle.” This does not mean, however, that the workers will wrest control of government from the capitalist class simply for the purpose of continuing the class struggle on a new different level, as has been the case in all previous political revolutions when one class has superseded another in the control of the government. It does not mean that the workers and capitalists will merely change places as many people believe. It means the inauguration of an entirely new social system of production and distribution, in which the exploitation of man by man will have no place. It instead of profit being the ruling motivation for industry, as at present, all production and distribution will be for use. As a consequence, the class struggle and economic class antagonisms as we now know them will entirely disappear. Society can get along without the capitalist, he has been rendered a useless functionary. It is not the mission of the Socialist Party to speculate concerning the manner in which the workers will conduct their affairs when they have come into possession the factories, offices and farms for there exists a myriad of ways and methods people can organize themselves in a democratic co-operative manner to provide for all.

In capitalist society, a worker is not, in fact, a person at all; as a wage-worker, he or she is simply merchandise, a commodity to be bought in the open market the same as any other form of good. The very terminology of the capitalist system proves that you are a person in any sense of that term. Look at that name of the department in your own place of work – “human resources”. That is your status.

Our obligation is to make clear the problems of the working people. In clarifying these important social problems we will adhere to the staunch principles of the World Socialist Movement. Briefly stated: we demand human dignity and justice. To achieve this goal, we strive by all peaceful to influence our society; we wish to make our voice heard and we will shout until we are heard. Only the working people themselves can improve their miserable conditions. This is not the time for the empty conceits of vainglorious demagogues, but the occasion for well-grounded Marxists to seize the opportunities to rouse our class to victory. Socialism’s principal mission today is to group the workers of all countries into a living revolutionary force; to make it, through a powerful worldwide organisation which has only one conception of its tasks and interests, and only one universal tactic appropriate to political action in peace and war alike, the decisive factor in political life: so that it may fulfil its historic mission. There is no socialism without international working class solidarity, and there is no socialism without class struggle. The activity of workers of all countries as a class, in peace time as in war-time, must be geared to the fight against capitalism as its supreme goal. 

Parliamentary and trade union action, like every activity of the workers’ movement, must be subordinated to this aim, so that the workers in each country is opposed in the sharpest fashion to its national ruling class. The immediate mission of socialists is the mental liberation of our fellow workers from the tutelage of our rulers, which expresses itself through the influence of nationalist ideology so we must agitate and denounce the empty words of nationalism as an instrument of domination. To achieve our social ideal is a work of education and organization. The working class must be aroused. They must be made to hear the call of solidarity. Educate our fellow workers. Spread the socialist message with newspapers, the pamphlets, and leaflets, Go on the internet and social media. Turn on the stream so powerful that the workers who will not be only be lifted by it but will be swept away with enthusiasm. Join us in fanning the flames of the socialist revolution. This organisation has a world-wide mission; it makes its appeal directly to the working class. The Socialist Party declares that the workers must make themselves the masters of society. You are an individual with a thinking brain, and if you do not use it in your own interests you are guilty of betraying yourself. We are the only people essential to society and without us society would perish. We produce the wealth and we create civilization. Why should we be dependent upon the capitalist? Every cog in every wheel that revolves everywhere has been made by the working class and is kept in operation by the working class. If the working class use their intelligence, not to turn out millionaires, but to produce for ourselves, we would possess wealth in abundance for all to share in. 

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