

Thursday, May 12, 2016

No Equality

An article in the Toronto Metro News of April 18th focused on unequal pay between the genders in the retail sector in Ontario. Though 60% of Ontario's retail workforce is female, men outnumber them in management. Sixty-five percent of males are in full time jobs, compared to 57% of women.

The average retail wages per hour in Ontario in 2015 were -- managers in retail, food and accommodation: men $30.79; women $25.06. Salespeople and clerks: Men $15.51; women $13.10. Cashiers: men $12.34; women $11.84.

This will anger many people, both women and men, but it is pointless to fight for equality within capitalism, because its very nature causes it. Nor do the above facts mean the men earning more money don't live in poverty. Equality is a fine thing to desire and work for, but only in a society where all will stand equal in relation to the tools of production can it be produced. John Ayers.

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