

Friday, May 13, 2016

Socialism is about freedom.

In defence of socialism, the Socialist Party states socialism is not an authoritarian creed despite the fact that some mislabelled socialists are authoritarians. Socialism is a society without a government. It is a free society; a society without rulers and ruled, leaders and led, masters and slaves. The Socialist Party does not intend to lead workers towards a free and classless society because they are a part of that class themselves and adhere faithfully to the motto of the First International: The emancipation of the workers is an act of the workers themselves. If the people wait for a revolutionary vanguard to lead them to the classless society or the free society, they will neither be free nor classless. Imposing freedom is a contradiction in terms for imposed freedom is not freedom. There is enough evidence to support such a claim. One of the functions of the Socialist Party is to expose and fight false ideologies. To argue that a free society is impossible is historically incorrect. If people wish a free society then its materialisation could be realised. The social revolution is social precisely because it destroys all barriers preventing the realisation of the libertarian society. If today we rarely talk of the social revolution it is because we are not interested in it but in coups d’etat or party dictatorships.  In a community of slaves, you are free to be a slave.

We have all been told a lie. The lie says there is no alternative to capitalism. Millions live paycheque to paycheque, with minimal social safety nets, leading to insecurity, uncertainty and cynicism towards the future, and crippling anxiety. Politicians routinely show they do not care about the working class and the poor. People leave all the hard decisions to scientific experts and technocrats. We no longer exercise control over our basic needs, food and shelter. Corporations inundate us with false needs through advertising and manipulation of the media.

The potential for social change can be detected but whether a genuine movement can blossom remains to be seen. However, there is much to learn. The task of socialists is not to talk to each other, but to go out and persuade everybody else. Are you a socialist? The gap between the World’s rich and poor, the suffering and misery of millions from poverty, hunger and disease and war are not caused by accident or sent by god. On the contrary, they are connected. The poor are poor because the rich are rich, and vice versa. The explanation is exploitation. That is the control of the means of production by a small minority who organise the wealth they control to their own advantage, and to the disadvantage of the people who work for them. This exploitation explains the horrors we see around us. Capitalism, the rule of the rich minority, is the enemy. Socialism will abolish the landlord class, the capitalist class, and the working-class. That is revolution; that the working-class, by its actions, will one day abolish class distinctions.

The peoples of the world, through coordinated effort, will progress toward the complete classless socialist society, where all the various workers' organisations which have been instruments and tools of the class struggle, that is, the socialist parties, the trade unions, the workers councils, and general assemblies will lose their original functions. As the classes are abolished and class struggles consequently ended, all these instruments of class struggle will tend to coalesce into one united body. And that one united body will be the organised world society of the free and equal. The “International” shall really be the human race. The working class can be really united only when it becomes a class for itself, consciously fighting the exploiters as a class. In its struggle against the workers’ emancipation movement capitalism plays upon all the dark sentiments of ignorance, prejudice and superstition. This is seen in its endeavours to divide the workers and oppressed people along national, racial and religious lines. The struggle for the solidarity of labour is also a struggle for enlightenment upon these questions.

People everywhere are looking for a new way of life under which they can be free to guide their own destiny: to set and establish their own way of living, own conditions of work, and own forms of association with each other. The antidote to capitalism is socialism, a democratic system of society where the wealth is owned and controlled by the people who produce it. any movement towards freedom is a movement towards socialism.

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