

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Socialism Now Is Our Battle-cry.

Socialism is a society that will be based upon principle of equal maintenance for all and no wages for any. Our goal is a socialist world, based on common ownership of our resources and industry, cooperation, production for use and genuine democracy. Only socialism can turn the boundless potential of our people and resources to the creation of a world free from tyranny, greed, poverty and exploitation. The capitalists are incapable of turning their technology and organisation to the needs of people. They have robbed us of our wealth and of the very power to determine our own future. World-wide poverty, hunger and war are their legacy. Instead if the means of production was harnessed to popular administration and planning, new technology could help us achieve an era of abundance for all, release us from monotonous toil and enrich our store of accessible knowledge. The socialist option is the only alternative. The inherent flaws of capitalism are too basic, the gap separating the compulsions of profit and the needs of people too wide, for anything less to succeed. Capitalism has failed, and so have efforts to reform it. That failure puts the socialist alternative on the immediate agenda. There is no more promising field for socialist activity than organising and crystallising the sentiment that already exists against the capitalist system. There has never come to socialism so plain an opportunity as that currently being offered. No more compromise or tinkering.  Today is the time of socialist emancipation.

 The needs of people, not profit, are the driving force of a socialist society. Under capitalism, labour is a commodity. Workers are used as replaceable parts, extensions of machines—as long as they provide dividends. Employers use their power of ownership to devastate the lives of workers through layoffs, speed-ups and neglect of health and safety. Trade unions, despite their courageous efforts, have encountered difficulties eliminating even the worst abuses of management power. The Socialist Party believes in the ability of working people to manage their own productive institutions democratically. The Socialist party is the political expression of the interests of the working class. It is made up of working men and women, its candidates are workers and they have been nominated by workers. Whether elected or defeated it will be at the hands of working people. Humanity faces the danger of complete destruction. Only socialism can save it. It will end the domination of capital, make war impossible, wipe out state boundaries, transform the whole world into one cooperative commonwealth, and bring about real human brotherhood and freedom. The victory of the workers of the world means the beginning of the real history of free mankind.

The capitalist class have chorus line of hirelings to sing their praises. Intellectuals and academics of all categories exalt the ruling class. The media depict the wealthy and rich and powerful always in a favourable light.

Our aim is socialism and our means to achieve it is to organise politically at the ballot box to secure the election of delegates adhering to socialist principles. The Socialist Party pledges itself to pursue, unfalteringly and undeviatingly, its object – common ownership of the means of producing and distributing all wealth. It will assist by offering clearness and effectiveness to the gathering working class movement. Political action is not to be despised, nor disparaged, nor is any other methods that will help to break the domination of the master class and hasten the emancipation of fellow-workers.

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