

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Domestic Tensions

 In April the annual Shelter Voices Survey from the Canadian Network of Women's Shelters and Transition Houses reported that on one day last year 234 shelters in Ontario had torn away 305 women and children who were fleeing domestic violence because they didn't have the space or resources to take them in.
Take heart folks the upholders of capitalism have risen to the occasion. The Federal Government have promised $89.9 million over 2 years to create 3000 spaces, meaning 2 new shelters for every province. This will be done through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, which already oversees a shelter fund.
Obviously, the Government isn't trying to address the cause of domestic violence, the tensions people live under in this delightful economic system.
We can't say there would be no domestic violence in a socialist world, but we can say with the removal of tension it would be considerably less and all involved would quickly receive the help they need. 
John Ayers.

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