

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee

An article in the Toronto Star of April 30th focused on the craze for Luk Thep Dolls which is sweeping Thailand.
These are large lifelike dolls people take everywhere with them, even to restaurants where they have their own menus. Owners treat them as if they are human, especially as they receive blessings from monks. Prices range from $60.00 to $1900.00 per doll.
Adam Ramsey, a journalist based in Thailand, said, "Maybe they provide comfort during rough economic and political times. Perhaps people are longing for a little bit of stability. Something in their life that gives them that sense things are going to be alright."
It is a sad reflection of the time that anyone should resort to such a ridiculous illusion that all will be well within capitalism. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.
 John Ayers.

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