

Monday, July 11, 2016

Socialism — The Hope of the World

We in the Socialist Party are proud to declare that we are socialists. We represent the conception of socialism of the future. We seek a world in which the exploitation of man by man shall cease, the end of impoverishment and a world freed from the fear of war. We are never more optimistic, never more certain, never more determined to achieve the goal of socialism. When workers refuse to be divided they will be moving toward the overthrow of the whole system of social exploitation.

No member of the working class can be satisfied with his or her position in society. Their lives are made up of worry, anxiety, insecurity, and hardships. As long as the wages system continues there is the drudgery of monotonous work, the constant penny-pinching to make ends meet, and the continual necessity of learning to do without things. The tools and machinery and equipment necessary for the production of wealth must be made the common property of the workers, and must be controlled by them. To bring this about this is the object of the Socialist Party. The Socialist Part is not a political party in the sense that other parties are. It has no reform to advocate.

There exists the Labour Party, which is often considered a working-class party. The majority of its supporters are drawn from the workers, but this party fast lost any working-class spirit it ever possessed. It has never understood the capitalist system. The Labour Party thought that all that was necessary was to get into power and administer the various departments of the State. This party has been in power and no noticeable improvement has ever taken place in the condition of the workers. It has administered the various government ministries and departments very economically and efficiently in the interest of the capitalist class. This Labour Party has curtailed the right to strike. This Labour Party has fostered nationalism and race prejudice.  This Labour Party is not a working-class party and never has been. Wherever capitalism has felt weak to cope with the rising tide of the revolutionary movements of the workers, it has called to its service the politicians of the Labour Party, willing agents of the ruling class to help subdue these workers’ movements. They have earned their spurs, knighthoods and peerages in the business of betraying the best aspirations and interests of the working class. The Labour Party stand exposed as the enemies of the socialism of Marx.

Thus the Socialist Party finds itself pitted against the whole profit-making system.  We declare that there can be no compromise so long as the working class lives in want while the master class lives in luxury. We insist that there can be no peace until the workers organise as a class, take possession of the resources of the earth and the machinery of production and distribution and abolish the wage system. In other words, the workers in their collectivity must own and operate all the essential industrial and manufacturing resources. The Socialist Party reaffirms its allegiance to the principle of working-class solidarity the world over. The Socialist Party is unalterably opposed to the system of exploitation and class rule. The only struggle which would justify the workers in taking up arms is the great struggle of the working class of the world to free itself from economic oppression. In support of capitalism, we will not willingly give a single life or a single drop of blood; in support of the struggle of the workers for industrial democracy we pledge our all.

The end of poverty, war and disease will come with the establishment of common ownership and production for use and not for exchange and profit. The Socialist Party calls upon all the workers to join it in its struggle to reach this goal and thus bring into the world a new society in which peace, fraternity, and human brotherhood will be the dominant ideals. There is no time to waste, the need for abolishing capitalism is urgent.

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