

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Capital Grows Ever More Hatreds

The Canadian Jewish News of July 28 ran an article about the life of Elie Wiesel who died on July 2. One paragraph by reporter Sheri Shefa summed it up best: "Wiesel, a professor, a writer, and Nobel Laureate, a humanitarian and a Holocaust survivor, devoted his life to Holocaust education and to combating indifference, intolerance and injustice, while promoting acceptance, understanding and equality."

It may seem brutal and callous to speak of Wiesel's life as a waste, but the undeniable fact is he tried to eradicate indifference, intolerance and injustice within capitalism, a system which, by its very nature, creates it.

One may admire Wiesel's intentions, but good intentions aren't good enough when the ignoble root of capital grows ever more hatreds between people the world over. John Ayers.

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