

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Goodbye money

However the Labour Party reconstitutes itself, it can only run capitalism in the interests of the capitalist system, which means waged slavery for the vast majority and wealth, ease, and luxury for an economic parasitic, capitalist class, living off the wealth created by the immense majority. Time for a post-capitalist upgrade, a democratic, commonly-owned, production-for-use world, of free-access to the common wealth without any elite parasite class.

Communism/socialism is a post -capitalist society, means exactly the same thing to us as they did to Marx also. The common ownership and democratic control by us all, of all the means and instruments for creating and distributing wealth. 'Common' and 'social' mean the same. Nothing to do with state ownership or corporate or private ownership. Nothing to do with central control either. It is a post-capitalist system which utilises the technological advances of capitalism to produce for use to satisfy human needs, using self-feeding loopback informational tools for stock measurements and control with direct inputs at local regional and global levels to allow calculation in kind, as opposed to the economic calculation of capitalism, only necessary to satisfy profit taking.

If you are born poor you will most likely die poor. Poverty is both absolute and relative. All wealth comes from the exploited labour of the working class which creates a surplus value above its rationed access (wages). A commonly owned society, would not have rich or poor, we would all have free access to the commonly produced wealth, with no elite classes creaming it off and storing it.

We are all component parts of the wealth producing social class, called the working class, comprising 90-95% of the world population, who collectively produce all of the world’s wealth, effectively runs capitalism from top to bottom, in conditions of wage slavery. Our attribute is to assist in the re-focusing of the attention of my class, from the foolish notion of ever reforming this abominable system, in which the richest 300 capitalist parasites have more wealth than the half of all humanity, in favour of a revolutionary change, to a post-capitalist society, in order to make all wealth to be held, produced for use and distributed according to self-assessed needs, in common for all on this planet, all of its human family.

The new Duke of Westminster is set to inherit his family's £9billion fortune aged just 25 following his dad's tragic death. Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor is already godfather to Prince George after being asked to accept the prestigious role by Prince William in 2013. And now, he will be among the richest people in the world after his 64-year-old dad, Gerald, passed away at Royal Preston Hospital in Lancashire yesterday. Hugh, who is the 7th Duke of Westminster, will receive his father's estimated £9.35billion wealth - including the family seat, Eaton Hall near Chester. He will also gain a staggering property portfolio, including land in the wealthiest areas of London.

In Capital, Karl Marx describes how an aristocratic lady’s lands were accrued because of her skills at performing fellatio “Lady Orkney’s endearing offices are supposed to have been foeda labiorum ministeria,” (base services performed with the lips).

 July 28, 2013, Washington Dateline Report said:
“Four out of 5 US adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives …” And, “measured in terms of a person’s lifetime risk … 4 in 10 adults falls into poverty for at least a year of their lives.”

A report in The Asahi Shimbun on June 23 presents a poverty-picture in Japan, an economic model to a section of mainstream economists in poor countries. The report “Young people struggle to emerge from poverty” by Masaki Hashida mentioned a middle-aged person. To save money, the person’s only meal is breakfast, and the breakfast is with rice, miso soup, fermented beans and broiled fish. The person has lost 30 kilograms in two years. The man, according to the report, is a victim of a “black company”, an employer that harasses employees, forces them to work long hours often without pay, and presses them to resign. The monthly pay from these companies appears limited to 200,000 yen ($2,104). The AS report cited Haruki Kono, head of nonprofit organization POSSE: The black companies “exploit employees by forcing them to work for the same job as stated in manuals to such an extent that they get sick and eventually quit.”

Hence, it comes out: Big entrepreneurs irrespective of poor and rich societies are the same while they compete in the market. They harass, they force to work long hours, and often they don’t pay, and these give them a competitive edge. How much value, after the above fact, sermons from rich societies carry?

Doesn't it sound like Marx, as he detailed back-breaking work of industrial labour in the capitalist economy in Europe? Too many fellow workers are servile, unable to comprehend the world where all would be freed from wage slavery, able to freely partake of the wealth from the common store which they had collectively created, so conditioned had he become to accept what his master taught him.

The class system is a result of varied, succeeding minority revolutions and the economic modes which prevailed up until the advent of the capitalist class, another minority led revolution, which displaced the landowning aristocrats as the ruling class and absorbed them into itself, establishing bourgeois democracy in its wake as a method of social control.

Effectively, there are only two economic classes. The ruling capitalist one which exists in a parasitic relationship to the immense majority working class , wealth producing one, by virtue of its ownership of the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth. Wielding this ownership to exploit workers in waged slavery, for rationed access to the wealth only workers produce, in return for producing vast surplus value for the parasite class.

Changing the class system is straight forward, as changing the mode of production and distribution from private, corporate, state or any combination of those ownerships, into a democratic, commonly owned, production for use , free-access, post-capitalist, class-less, elite-free society, eliminates the economic foundation of the class system. There is then, no need for any representative government over us anymore, as a government is the executive arm of the dominant parasite class, which 'represents' in capitalism, the economic interests of its ruling class. What we would have would be an administration of 'things' rather, than one in control over people, but it would be self-administered with delegated recall where this was deemed appropriate. Workers, unlike the peasants before who at least had some land and crops of their own, have no country to be independent in. It belongs to a local, regional and global capitalist class. Capitalism is a global system which requires a global working class response to it.

Abolish the wage system.

Wee Matt

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