

Monday, September 19, 2016

New Possibilties For Increasing Profit

The Toronto Star of July 21st ran an article about the latest drone technology. On July 12, in San Francisco, a patent was filed by Amazon for a "Multi-use unmanned aerial vehicle docking system." Its purpose would be to deliver packages to a docking system near a purchaser's house.
The most recent prototype weighs about 25 kilograms and can carry packages up to about two kilograms.
These would fly under 120 meters and use "sense and avoid" technology to dodge potential obstacles. The docking stations will be able to accommodate multiple drones and be located high up and out of the way of cell towers and other vertical structures. With solar panels, they could generate their own power.
All this means, so far, is Amazon has a patent on it. The Federal Aviation Administration doesn't allow package delivery. But let's look to the future and be realistic – if the capitalists can make money on it, the F.A.A. will change its rules; and if docking stations are near someone's house, (or even on a purchaser's property), it will be less people needed for delivery, hence bigger profits for the company.
This doesn't mean socialists are against new technology – we are against the system that uses it to make some rich and screw the rest. 

 John Ayers.

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