

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tonight's Great Debate!

Now it's official the U.S. election will be between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Those with a chauvinistic streak may well ask themselves, "Do I vote for a woman, or a real estate mogul who makes an ass of himself in public and is more bigoted than I am?"
Though Clinton comes across as a caring person, nevertheless she will be beholden to the Wall Street tycoons.
As Sandra Sarandon said, "They haven't contributed millions of dollars to her campaign for nothing."
The most anyone can say at this time is if Clinton is elected things will be less chaotic than if Trump is. In other words, Clinton will be the lesser of two evils. This indeed may well be the case, however, as socialists, we are opposed to choosing between politicians who are pledged to administrate the affairs of the capitalist system. Why?
Because no form of capitalism is worth voting for.
Neither Clinton or Trump have any intention of making fundamental changes to society to benefit workers, nor could they without a mandate to do so from the American working class. Both seek to maintain a society that causes war, pollution, racism, societal breakdown, unemployment, and poverty. Clinton may do a bit better than Trump, but as socialists, we don't care about a bit better, but a whole lot better, which won't happen until a fundamental change is made in society. A change that will eliminate the above social evils – a change called Socialism.
 John Ayers.

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