

Monday, October 17, 2016

Forward to Socialist Revolution

Only a socialist revolution can prevent the relapse of humanity into barbarism. The socialist revolution consists of the entire process, on a world scale, through which the socialist mode of production is established. Marxism is the theory of the socialist revolution. Socialism is in accord with the sentiment for democracy and liberty and where this sentiment can find fulfilment. The word ‘socialism’ is more than the name merely for a new system of economic relationships. Socialism means the ending of exploitation of man by man, a society without class antagonisms, in which the people themselves control their means of life and use them for their own happiness. The socialist revolution is the abolition of capitalist private property, the abolition of all exploitation of man by man, the common ownership of the means of production and their planned use for the benefit of the whole of society, leading to abundance. Socialists do not put forward this goal as a utopia, or as a mere vision of what would ideally satisfy people’s needs and make them all happy, but as a practical goal to be attained by the actual conditions of modern society. This is because only with a socialist economy can the contradictions of modern capitalist society be solved and the great technological forces of production can be fully utilised. Socialism will only be achieved by waging the working-class struggle and to wage this struggle and gain political power, the working class must have its own independent political party. The essential message of Marxism that the ruling class are not omnipotent and unbeatable, that their system of exploitation is not everlasting but can be abolished. It teaches that the working class is fully qualified to become the directors and organisers of economic and political life of the first truly human society.

History has already put the task of socialist world revolution on the agenda for today. Socialism can only advance and be won as a worldwide process. This is especially true given the global character of capitalist production and economic organisation. The consciousness, organisation and resources of the working class of different countries are yet far from properly co-ordinated or oriented towards the gigantic task of socialist revolution. But there is hardly any doubt about the fact that they are sure to join forces and merge with one another reaching beyond their national boundaries, and finally, overwhelm the entire world capitalist system. If the revolution comes from the majority then it does not require a party dictatorship.

The duty of socialists at this juncture is clear beyond any scope for misunderstanding. They must unite themselves and move forward in every country. They must actively participate in all forms of mass struggle against capitalist slavery and towards the goal— revolution and socialism. 

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