

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

History's Largest Drug Dealer.

Would matters concerning Britain's beloved Queen Victoria, come under the heading of current affairs? Well, maybe- sorta - kinda, considering the old broad was in the news indirectly, a little way back when the present parasite in Vicky's old job had been counting the loot she's stolen from the working class longer than Vicky-baby.

According to James Bradley in his well-researched book, "The Imperial Cruise" (Little, Brown, 2009),"Victoria ordered the British government to: enforce the illegal drug, Opium, on the Chinese". This resulted in the two 'Opium Wars', from 1839 to 1842 and, 1856 to 1860. "Opium production and smuggling not only paid for imports from China that England could not afford in silver, but the drug trade also provided the easy money that sustained her empire." The British Empire grew fat on Chinese Silver drained from the formerly richest country in the world.

The sums were so enormous that Queen Victoria stands as history's largest drug dealer."

The point, dear friends, in case you're wondering, is the capitalist class, through their organs of propaganda, try to make you think Vicky and her like, are very worthy people and they're right in one respect - they are worth looking down on. John Ayers.

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