

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Karl (and) William's ) Quotes

As Socialists, we state firmly, in a Socialist Society money will not exist because the very conditions for its existence will have been abolished.
Marx, with a little help from 'The Bard', had something to say about it.
Shakespeare attributes to money two qualities:
1) "It is the visible deity, the transformation of all human and natural qualities into their opposite, the universal confusion and inversion of things; it brings incompatibilities into fraternity."
2) " It is the universal whore, the universal pander between men and nations."
"The power to confuse and invert all human and natural qualities, to bring about fraternization of incompatibles, the divine power of money, resides in its essence as the alienated species - life of men. It is the alienated power of humanity."
"What I as a man am unable to do, what therefore all my individual faculties are unable to do, is made possible for me by means of money therefore turns each of these faculties into something which in itself it is not, into its opposite."
 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts – 1844
Just think of the anti-social behaviour of many caused by the need for money and then think, what a terrific burden would be lifted from people, individually and collectively if it wasn't needed - a society based on "From each according to his ability to each according to his need."
John Ayers

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