

Monday, October 24, 2016

Let's Put Off Till Tomorrow!

The $70 million spent by Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne to set up the Ontario Pension Plan has caused a bit of a stink. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is upset because the set-up cost was higher than expected. The group which represents 42,000 small businesses said it was a payroll tax, meaning they would have to pay it, and that Wynne should wait a year to see if the Federal Government increases the C.P.P. Boy ain't these guys all heart?

The plan is now being shut down, following a deal in June between the Provinces and the new Federal Government to improve the C.P.P.

The P.C.'s were upset because the plan included $12.1 million for a 5 year lease of two furnished floors of an office building, $17.6 million for consultants, and $3.5 million in legal fees.

Finance Minister, Charles Sousa, defended the planned O.R.R.P. on the grounds that two-thirds of Ontario workers, who don't have company pensions, will need more than C.P.P. at retirement.

So, there you have it, folks, a crowd of various politicians and businessmen who are upholders of Capitalism, squabbling about the implementation of another reform.

So why not scrap reforms, including pension plans, and while we're about it, why not scrap Capitalism? John Ayers

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