

Thursday, October 13, 2016


The Socialist Party does not claim that we know the road to socialism in all its completeness. We do say, however, to know the direction this road takes and have set our political compass accordingly. The Socialist Party has managed to keep its gaze upon the destination - a free, socialist future. Our confidence has been strengthened by the fact that it has remained true to its course and to the interests of the workingmen and women at a time when it counts – during times of war when others claiming the mantle of socialist lost sight of the goal. We did not back-track from our principles, we did not vacillate, we did not retreat an inch. And that is how we shall continue. We stand out from our fellow-workers only in our socialist convictions to fight for socialism night and day, on all occasions and in all places. Our determination to wage class war for a new age, for a society free of war and oppression, of exploitation and inequality, for world socialism, assures us the right to call ourselves the Socialist Party.

Great threats hang over mankind, but at the same time, the chances for revolution are becoming clearer and nearer. Decisive battles to assure humanity of its future, to abolish war and misery, are approaching. It is up to all of us to transform the enormous economic forces of capitalism into prodigious prosperity for all people. Fellow-workers need to organise under the banner of the world socialist revolution to prepare for victory. We must rediscover the essentials of socialist ideas and restore them to its rightful place at the head of political activities. In the old days, socialists put promotion of Marxist ideas at the head of their activities and we need a revival of this socialist practice and form study circles to discuss world events and Marxism. The dawn of socialism, created by the people, for the people, is rising on mankind’s horizon.

The fight for socialism is a hard fight, and many will desert it. They retreat to a belief in the indestructibility of the capitalist world order, concluding that the revolutionary struggle for socialism is not worthwhile and condemning their fellow men and women as inadequate and incapable of achieving socialism. They see only the power of the present-day and bow down before it. Yet to save humanity from the chaos breaking out all over the world workers must know the road to the socialist future and take it resolutely. Marxism is for the workers’ movement what a map is for an explorer – a great treasure. Those disillusioned individuals who spread their demoralisation are aimlessly lost but keep offering short-cuts with bogus solutions. They dissipate our attention in all directions, approving and applauding whatever is the flavour of the day on the political menu.

The Socialist Party seeks to organise the workers, into one PARTY OF LABOUR to take the political power of the State out of the hands of the privileged few and place in into the hands of those who will use it to establish common ownership. Such is our aim: such is Socialism. Our method is the political organisation at the Ballot Box. The Socialist Party will assist in giving force, clearness and effectiveness to the working class movement and pledges itself to pursue, unfalteringly and undeviatingly, our objective – common ownership of the means of producing and distributing all wealth. 

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