

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Middle Class Doesn't Exist.

For the last three years, Ontario's Legal Aid Staff Lawyers, have been attempting to unionize, claiming it would help them negotiate fair working conditions to better serve their clients.
Legal Aid Ontario (L.A.O.), a provincial Government agency, has refused to recognize their union and now, employer and employee, are locked in a legal battle that could turn out to be lengthy and expensive.
The lawyers, many of whom work out of courthouses, often representing people who can't afford counsel, have launched a constitutional challenge with L.A.O.'s refusal to bargain with their chosen representative, The Society of Energy Professionals.
The case is set to be heard in Superior Court on December 5th.
Obviously, this is just another worker-boss dispute, but it clearly shows that professional people are workers too, which includes dentists, accountants, and doctors, including, those who are self-employed.
If there can be any doubt, all they would have to do would be to quit work and see how quickly they would need money.
Some may consider the above as middle-class, but it doesn't exist chum, you're either a worker or a capitalist. 

John. Ayers.

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