

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Things Ain't Getting Better.

On August 5th, Statistics Canada released its monthly unemployment report which won't cause anyone to say "Let's party.'
Ontario lost 36,000 jobs in July over all of Canada. 71,000 full-time jobs were lost. The unemployment figure rose 0.1% point, to 6.9%. It was the fourth straight month of more jobs lost than gained.
Young workers with obviously most of their working lives ahead of them, were the hardest hit. There was a reduction of 28,000 jobs in Canada during July for the 24 year old age group. All of these were part-time jobs. The youth unemployment rate stands at 13.3%, nearly twice the national average. There were 66,000 fewer jobs for that age group this July than last year. A decrease of 2.7%.
Public sector jobs fell by 42,000, which is similar to last year, but, as always, the apologists for capitalism, or, to call a spade a spade, 'sooth-sayers' won't give up. An economist at CIBC said, "Federal fiscal stimulus and the regular see-saw in the L.F.S.'s data, would suggest that this particular category is headed for a rebound ahead."
They can say what they want, but, things ain't getting better.
 John Ayers.

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