

Thursday, October 27, 2016

We can have well-being for all

We have all the material requirements for establishing socialism. It is common knowledge that we have developed the most productive technology in the world, capable of producing an abundance for everyone. Once this technology is socially owned, controlled and administered no longer will we need to work for wages. Instead, we shall all be useful producers, each contributing his or her fair share to the total product. In return, each of us will receive directly and indirectly the equivalent of all that we have produced. We say "indirectly" because we shall get part of our product back through social services - public health, education, recreation, etc. In a socialist society, we shall be able to enjoy the material well-being our productive capability makes possible. In a socialist society, there can be no poverty or involuntary unemployment. Computerisation, robotics, and automation will be a further blessing. The greater the number of workers, the better the tools, the more modern the methods, the greater and more varied will be the wealth we can produce; and the shorter the hours each of us will have to work.

We shall be secure, healthy, happy human beings living in peace, harmony, and freedom, in marked contrast to the capitalist jungle of strife, misery, and insecurity in which we live today. So great is our capacity to produce an abundance that we can easily ensure that our youth will be educated, the aged provided for, and the sick and handicapped given the finest care possible. All this will be done without depriving anyone of his fair and more than adequate share. It will not be charity but the rightful share of every human being in the affluent socialist society. We shall achieve the highest standards of mental health and physical well-being. We shall enjoy great material well-being individually and collectively, but it will not be at any one else's expense. We shall be secure, healthy, happy human beings living in peace, harmony. and freedom, in marked contrast to the capitalist jungle of strife, misery, and insecurity in which we live today

How can we get such a society? The answer is easy. The task confronting workers is to organise their political forces into a socialist party of their class to demand the abolition of the wage system and effect an orderly socialist reconstruction of society. The crying need of our time is determined, resolute action to awaken the working class to the imperative need for a socialist cooperative commonwealth, a social and industrial democracy. It is within the power of the workers to establish such a society as soon as they recognize the need for it and organize to establish it at the ballot box. This is the peaceful way to social revolution.

The problems of poverty, slums, unemployment, crime, water shortages, air and water pollution and many more -- have been with us for a long time, a very long time and they make living so difficult today.  Every politician who has run for office for the past 50 years or more has promised to do something to alleviate or eliminate these evils. Despite all the pledges and promises, and despite the implementation of reform, these problems have defied solution. Whatever the problem is it is worse now than before. And we still keep on electing politicians to office to solve those problems. DUH! You have asked yourself why things are going from bad to worse, in spite of all the so-called brains at the disposal of our local and national governments. The reason is simple.  All the political experts and specialists at all levels have been dealing with effects and ignoring the cause. And the cause of our problems is the capitalist system.

Mankind's survival is being threatened from a number of directions. The capitalist class who squeeze immense profits out of workers are plainly ready to risk extinction in order to go on keep doing so. 

Workers of the world use your ballot to abolish capitalism and establish socialism! Unite and peacefully exercise your mandate for socialism so to regain control over your economic activities.

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